Cooking with a dash of love, which is the key ingredient to good cooking. Happy Reading and Happy Cooking!


Wednesday 9 March 2016


Spicy Beef Stew


½ kg of beef cut into cubes
1 carrot cut into cubes
1 seed potatoes cut into cubes
1 holland onion cut into wedges 
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 small can of tomato paste
1 tablespoon homemade ginger garlic paste
2 tablespoons homemade chili paste
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 tablespoons curry powder
1 tablespoon korma powder
5 tablespoons evaporated milk
½ canned broad beans (optional)

  1. Fry the beef until dry.
  2. Add ginger garlic paste, chili paste, curry powder and korma powder, stir evenly.
  3. After the mixture evenly mix, add tomatoes paste and evaporated milk and let it simmer.
  4. Add carrots and potatoes. Leave it until the carrots and potatoes become soft and tender.
  5. Add salt, sugar and black pepper.
  6. Add broad beans, holland onions and chopped tomatoes.
  7. Let it simmer for a while. Ready to be served.
Stew Daging Berempah


½ kg daging dipotong kiub
1 batang lobak merah dipotong kiub
1 biji keledek dipotong kiub
1 bawang holland dipotong wedges
1 tin tomato cincang
1 tin kecil pes tomato
1 sudu pes halia bawang putih
2 sudu pes cili kisar
1 sudu teh serbuk lada hitam
3 sudu rempah kari
1 sudu rempah korma
5 sudu besar susu cair
½ tin kacang parang (optional)

  1. Goreng daging seketika sehingga kering.
  2. Masukkan pes halia bawang putih, pes cili kisar, rempah kari dan rempah korma, kacau sekata.
  3. Setelah campuran sekata masukkan pes tomato dan susu cair dan biarkan mereneh.
  4. Masukkan lobak dan keledek. Biarkan sehingga lobak menjadi lembut dan ubi empuk.
  5. Perisakan dengan garam, gula dan lada hitam.
  6. Masukkan kacang parang, bawang Holland dan tomato cincang.
  7. Biarkan seketika. Siap untuk dihidang.

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