Cooking with a dash of love, which is the key ingredient to good cooking. Happy Reading and Happy Cooking!


Friday 15 July 2016


 Setelah gula cair masukkan air panas dan mentega / Once sugar melted pour hot water and add butter
 Masukkan buah campuran dan kacau sehingga kembang / Add mixed fruits and stir until expended
 Biarkan sehingga campuran sejuk / Let the mixtures cool
 Pukul telor dan vanilla / Whisked the egg and vanilla 
 Masukkan campuran tepung / Add the mixed flour
 Masukkan telur yang telah dipukul /  Add whisked eggs
 Adunan siap / The mixture
 Masukan adunan ke dalam bekas yang dilengsir / Put the mixture into buttered container
Balut dan kukus selama 4 jam / Wraped steamed for 4 hours
 Siap dimasak / Cooked
 Potong dan hidang / Sliced and served
Steamed Mixed Fruit Cake 


Ingredients A 

300 grams sugar
250 grams butter
500 grams of mixed fruit
50 grams of hot water

2 table spoon sunquick orange juice

Ingredients B

350 grams flour
2 teaspoons soda bicarbonate (10 gm)
½ teaspoon cream of tartar (3 gm)
1 teaspoon nutmeg powder (3gm)

Ingredients C

1 teaspoon vanilla essence
3 grade A eggs


  1. Preparation of Ingredients A. Sugar heated until melted and caramelise, pour hot water, add butter and stir until melted.
  2. After all liquefied pour mixed fruits and sunquick orange juice, stir evenly and let it cool.
  3. Ingredients B are mixed, sieved and mixed evenly.
  4. Prepare Ingredients C. Blend eggs and vanilla until evenly mixed.
  5. Once ingredients A cooled, pour ingredients B and mix well. Add Ingredients C and mix well.
  6. Apply a container with butter and pour cake mixture and steamed for 4 hours. Cover the container with cling wrap or aluminium foil.
  7. Once the cake is cooked remove from steamer and leave to cool.
  8. Slice and serve.
Kek Buah Campuran Kukus


Bahan A

300 gram gula halus
250 gram mentega
500 gram buah campuran
50 gram air panas

2 sudu besar jus oren sunquick

Bahan B

350 gram tepung gandum
2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat (10 gm)
½ sudu teh cream tartar (3 gm)
1 sudu teh serbuk buah pala (3gm)

Bahan C

1 sudu teh esen vanilla
3 biji telor gred A


  1. Persediaan bahan A. Gula dipanaskan sehingga cair, tuang air panas, masukkan mentega dan kacau sehingga cair.
  2. Setelah semua cair masukkan buah campuran dan jus oren sunquick, kacau sekata dan biarkan sejuk.
  3. Bahan B dicampur dan diayak dan digaul sekata.
  4. Bahan C disediakan. Telor campur vanilla dan dikisar sehingga sekata.
  5. Setelah bahan A sejuk, masukkan bahan B gaul rata. Setelah sebati masukkan bahan C dan gaul rata.
  6. Sapukan bekas dengan mentega dan masukan bahan yang digaul rata dan dikukus selama 4 jam. Pastikan bekas kek ditutup dengan plastic tahan panas atau pun aluminium foil.
  7. Setelah kek masak keluarkan dan sejukkan seketika.
  8. Potong dan hidangkan.


  1. I love fruit cake. This looks lovely and moist.

    1. Thanks Alison for visiting my blog, you should try this recipe,it is simple and delicious.


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