Cooking with a dash of love, which is the key ingredient to good cooking. Happy Reading and Happy Cooking!


Thursday 3 October 2013


Spicy Potato Patties


5 potatoes boil and mesh
2 onions minced
1 garlic sliced
50 grams of dried shrimp
1½ cups flour (½ cup to sprinkle during kneading)
Spring onion
½ teaspoon mixed herb
½ teaspoon mixed spice
1 whole egg

  1. Potatoes peeled and boiled until tender and meshed.
  2. Dried shrimp soaked for a while, and then coarsely ground together with onion and garlic.
  3. Mix mashed potatoes with mixed herbs and mixed spices.
  4. Put dried shrimp and onion-garlic mixture, mix it until well blended.
  5. Put parsley, spring onion and mix well. Add flour if the mixture is too soft.
  6. Flattened dough and cut round.
  7. For frying, dip the round cut patty into the egg mixture and fry until golden brown.
  8. Deliciously eaten with soto and steamed rice.
Begedel Kentang Berempah


5 biji kentang direbus dan dilenyek
2 ulas bawang besar dimayang
1 ulas bawang putih dimayang
50 gram udang kering
1½ cawan tepong gandum (½ cawan untuk tabur semasa menguli)
Daun sup
Daun bawang
½ sudu teh herba campuran
½ sudu teh rempah campuran
1 biji telor

  1. Kentang dikupas dan direbus sehingga lembut dan dilenyek.
  2. Udang kering direndam seketika, kemudian ditumbuk kasar bersama bawang besar dan bawang putih.
  3. Kentang yang telah dilenyek dan digaul bersama campuran herba dan campuran rempah.
  4. Masukkan campuran udang kering dan bawang, digaul sehingga sebati.
  5. Masukkan daun sup, daun bawang dan gaul sebati. Tambahkan tepung gandum jika campuran terlalu lembek.
  6. Adunan dileperkan dan dipotong berbentuk bulat.
  7. Untuk menggoreng, celupkan begedel yang dipotong bulat ke dalam campuran telor dan gorengkan sehingga kuning keemasan.
  8. Sedap dimakan bersama soto dan nasi.

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