Cooking with a dash of love, which is the key ingredient to good cooking. Happy Reading and Happy Cooking!


Saturday, 14 January 2012


Steamed Glutinous Parcel


3 cup glutinous rice flour

½ cup granulated sugar
1½ cup thick coconut milk
1 cup brown sugar (if using ‘gula melaka’ the dough color will be lighter)
Grated coconut (white part only)
Pinch of salt
Pandan leaves
Cooking oil
Banana leaf cut, passed over small flame and wiped clean


  1. Heat the steaming pot.
  2. Using another pot, fill water, put pandan leaves, brown sugar and granulated sugar. Stir until melted.
  3. Add coconut milk, stir until boiled. Let cool at room temperature.
  4. Mix glutinous rice flour mixed with melted liquid. Dough should not be too soft.
  5. Stir grated coconut with a little salt as the filling.
  6. Wipe banana leaf and rubbed with cooking oil.
  7. Take the glutinous flour mixture and flatten on banana leaf.
  8. Put the filling in the middle of the flatted dough and roll neatly. Fold both ends of the coil.
  9. Steam for about 30 minutes. To check steamed dough well cook, take one that has been steamed and cut. If the dough sticks to knife, it shows that the parcel is still uncooked.
Lepat Liat


3 cawan tepung pulut

½ cawan gula pasir
1 ½ cawan santan pekat
1 cawan gula merah (kalau guna gula melaka warna kuih menjadi cerah)
Kelapa parut (bahagian putih sahaja)
Secubit garam
Daun pandan
Minyak masak
Daun pisang dipotong, dilayur dan dilap bersih


  1. Panaskan periuk kukus.
  2. Menggunakan periuk lain, isikan air, masukkan daun pandan, gula merah dan gula pasir. Kacau sehingga cair.
  3. Masukkan santan kacau sehingga mendidih. Biarkan sejuk pada suhu bilik.
  4. Gaulkan campuran gula dengan tepung pulut. Jangan terlalu lembut.
  5. Gaulkan kelapa perut dengan sedikit garam sebagai inti.
  6. Daun pisang dilap dan disapukan sedikit minyak masak.
  7. Ambil sejemput campuran tepung pulut dan leperkan di atas daun pisang.
  8. Letakkan inti pada bahagian tengah lepekan dan gulung kemas. Lipat kedua-dua hujung gulungan.
  9. Kukuskan selama lebih kurang 30 minit. Untuk tentukan lepat sudah masak, ambil satu lepat yang telah dikukus dan potong. Jika adunan melekat pada pisau menunjukkan belum masak.


  1. Very generous with the coconut, and I love it this way. I put too little that day when I made it.

    1. Hello WendyinKK @ Table for 2....or more, may be next time you put extra coconut in your dish. Do visit my blog regularly.


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